Indonesia PRESS-Bekasi Fajar expects tone down increment in 2015-Kontan

Indonesia PRESS-Bekasi Fajar expects tone down increment in 2015-Konta…

Stewart 댓글 0 조회 10 작성날짜 15:26

Indonesia PRESS-Bekasi Fajar expects middle of the roader maturation in 2015-Kontan


Indonesia's business enterprise estate developer PT Bekasi Fajar Business enterprise Landed estate expects moderate outgrowth in 2015 amid concerns concluded the enfeebling of the Japanese yen, the Kontan newspaper publisher reported, quoting investor dealings officer Asa Siahaan. The ship's company expects to betray just about 40 hectares of farming this year, up from last year's 35.6 hectares, and is targeting gross sales of $84 million, compared with $67.64 1000000 in the old twelvemonth.


Note: Reuters has non substantiated this chronicle and does not guarantee for its truth.

(Compiled by Capital of Indonesia Newsroom; Redaction by Subhranshu Sahu)

